Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm not sure why I decided to start posting now considering that this will likely be my busiest term this year, however, I figured that I could channel the time and energy I expend on facebook or google imaging baby animals toward a more productive internet project. I don't have a specific focus for this blog space, I just figure it's a place I can catalog the different images and creations that inspire me. I'll mostly obsess over other people's work, but on rare occasion I might post some of my own work. I will start with this:

the delightful metal workings of designer Arielle de Pinto. These are from her 2010 collection. If you peep her site you can check out the photographs from the rest of this collection (which seem quite Lynchian) as well as her charms.

Here is a necklace I've been coveting from Pinto's 2008 collection:

I'd like to layer a bunch of these. Or just get her to make me a chain mail body suit.

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